The University of Bahrain Forum for
Postgraduate Studies 2024


The University of Bahrain seeks to enhance the culture of scientific research among postgraduate students, by holding scientific forums that open channels of communication between students and contribute to disseminating research and knowledge. The University Of Bahrain Forum For Postgraduate Studies 2024 is one of these forums, and it focuses on training students in basic and professional skills in scientific research, in accordance with the ethics of scientific research followed globally, to produce and publish practical and research papers. The forum also provides opportunities for students to exchange experiences with each other and with experts, and to enhance students’ skills so that they become researchers capable of publishing scientific studies in their field of specialization in the most prestigious international journals, platforms, and publishing databases.

7 May 2024

Date Of The Forum

28 March 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline

14 April 2024

Abstracts Approval

Contact Us:

You can contact us through the Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Deanship office, the forum email (, or the organizing committee members.

The Organizing committee

  • Dr. Athraa S. Abbas Al-Mosawi, Dean, Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
  • Dr. Tawfik Abdel Moneim Tewfik, Head, Postgraduate Studies Department.
  • Dr. Hayat Abdulla Yusuf, Head, Scientific Research Department.
  • Dr. Wafa Yaqoob Janahi, Head, Private Law Department.
  • Prof. Ebrahim Abdulla Matar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering.
  • Dr. Ahmed Saad Jalal, Department of Psychology, College of Arts.
  • Dr. Rabab Hasan Ahmed, Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business Administration.
  • Dr. Hacene Manaa, Department of Physics, College of Science.
  • Dr. Abdula Mohammed Al Qaddoumi, Department of Computer Science, College of Information Technology.
  • Dr. Magda Mohammed Bayoumi, Department of Nursing, College of Health and Sports Sciences.