The Annual Postgraduate Students’ Forum 2023


All enrolled postgraduate students with the approval of their supervisors can participate. This might include students at their write-up stage, those who completed their theses, and others who already published or are planning to publish parts of their study.

Types of Participation

Students can register under one of the following categories:

Category 1

Published Research

Postgraduate students who already published their work/part of their work during their study can submit the abstract of their published/accepted papers to present their work in the forum along with the paper link/DOI. The paper should not be a review-type paper.

Category 2

Developed Research

Postgraduate students who have a part of their study to be published can submit an abstract to be presented in the forum. Authors of high-quality abstracts will be invited to submit a paper to one of the university journals.

Category 3

Preliminary Research

Postgraduate students, who have work in progress, that would like to get feedback on their work can submit a summary of their current research status.